Oct 15, 2006


so i had this dream last night like this:

i was at some place that was going to have a show, like a punk rock show, and i think i was going to perform but not sure, all i knew was that i needed to pee real bad. the bathroom had these pee-stalls that were formed out of cave walls and where you peed was just a huge hole in the floor that was filled with clear water. you could see down into the water like a swimming pool and it was a huge underground cavern of water that you might like to dive into and swim around in. on the wall underwater someone had scrawled graffiti that said something like "no wi-fi service down here."

Then a girl comes in and starts washing her shirt in the sink and i'm trying to pee and she's like "sorry i got something on my shirt." Then i start to pee and a whole bunch of diarrea comes out all over my clothes (i was wearing a jump suit, suspiciously buttoned up like a baby-sleeper type outfit). then i'm like "oh damn" and i tell the girl "well i just went poo all over the place, how am i gonna clean this up?"

that's it.