let's stop pretending something shall we. The state of Israel, since its inception until this very moment, has done nothing for the United States besides making it a target for much of the world's hatred.
Many people in the US don't understand it, they are like "what? why do these crazy people hate us so much? What did we do?"
Plus they see Israelis on TV with American accents and European clothing (vs. crazies with crazy accents, crazy beards and crazy clothing).
The US people think: well, how come people hate these poor Israelis so much? They are just like me and John Smith, my neighbor.
When a tank levels your house, soldiers rape your sister and put your father and brother in jail for no reason with no legal system or trial. When your whole neighborhood is blown up because Israelis said Hezbollah is hiding there (and thus it is your damn fault for being in front of the bomb). Your whole country attacked and destroyed basically.
Who are you going to blame? Who is shooting the guns and bombs and missiles at you? Who is responsible for 9/11? Who blew up your village and shot your little brother in the face? Israel.
We in the US are, and have been for many years, trying to sell the world a fake and bitter pill: that Israel is a good country with peaceful intentions. Nobody believes us. Maybe there is a reason for that.
The television tells you a fake story. The bombs are USA made and Israeli delivered. There is no hiding that. The death toll is in the hundreds in Lebanon and most are civilians. There is no hiding that.
My country, the US, needs to stop supporting Israel. Israel has shown repeatedly that it does not want peace and does whatever it wants with my tax money. I want to take that back (those billions of dollars annually) and give it to my local university or inner city park district.
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