Jan 17, 2008


So we were on a river camping trip thing but it started raining hard and storming so we decided to head back, I'm not sure who I was with but it was night and we were hiking up the side of a river with a rocky shoreline because the river was too full or rapidy to boat in or something.

We get to a place and then my homie says that we can't make it out. But I see a rocky ledge and as the water is rising I jump onto it and then scale some sort of wall.

There is a stone house there with some ppl watching TV and I told them hi and then we watched TV for a bit. Then I went to a restaurant or something where everyone was dressed in really clean clothes and I was all muddy and dirty and they looked at me and then looked away. My Uncle was there and he was hesitant but offered me some small amount of help that was worthless.

Then I left and an old Iranian and Indian friend were dancing in front of a TV.


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