Jan 17, 2007


I wonder about mysticism sometimes, I am intrigued but cautiously distant from becoming too excited about it. It seems that most every philosopher and religious person has an initial moment of inspiration, I mean, there is usually one person who has a religious moment, then they write about it or tell others, then the others jump on that bandwagon, put on official uniforms and then build a religion, philosophy, church group, tv show based on that initial person.

These levels get filtered down until the original meanings are dispersed into nothingness.

IE: Joyce Meyers

Nothingness. Check out Hegel, one of every grad students masturbatory keyword. His initial inspiration was this other dude (jakob bohme) who was so wacked out he couldn't get a comprehensive philosophy of his own going. Not to mention you know, those religious figures that people say mean something that they didn't even ever say.


So there underneath it all, lies something that only crazy people and children can see for some reason. Something people call God or truth or neurons or whatever.

My question would be that why does it have to be underneath? Why can't someone just say, ok God is...?

Muslims say God is God. That's pretty cool. But then why are so many people following men? Men are men, God is God, religious leaders are animals, God is God, dog is dog, cat means snap, crackle, pop.