May 16, 2006

Reading Time Kids

Many of these books were written well over 100 years ago. Most are from or about the US. This is a list compiled by Malcolm Cowley in a book he edited called "Books that changed our minds." It features essays on the different books listed below by professors and writers. Cowley had asked them to compile a list of important books.

Most of these books are extremely controversial. Much more so than anything Howard Zinn, Mecha, Islamic extremists, Jewish settlers, indy-media, soldier heroes, right-wing blah blah or any contemporary retarded version of ideas and ideals could hope to come up with. Most popularly circulated ideas are recycled and reader's-digestified garbage that, if followed, will put your path backward instead of forward. Don't listen to them. Look at the trees outside instead for your news.

Freud and "The interpretation of dreams"
"The education of Henry Adams"
Turner's "The frontier in American history"
Sumner's "Folkways"
Veblen and "Business enterprise"
Boas and "The mind of primitive man"
Beard's "Economic interpretation of the Constitution"
Richard's "The principles of literary criticism"
Parrington's "Main currents in American thought"
Lenin's "The state and revolution"
Spengler's "The decline of the West"

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